Event Date: 11/18/2014

Event Times: 12:00-1:00 pm

Location: Melvin Laird Building, Room ML2A

Please join us for the next in our series of Innovation Forms:

Invention Disclosure: Paper to Pen, Best Laid Out Ideas

Tuesday, November 18 – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm – ML2A.  A light lunch will be provided.

Invention disclosure is more than the simple completion of a standard form. It includes a complete description of something you have thought through as a solution to a problem, and maybe even created a draft of. Applied Sciences will work with you on your device or discovery to be sure it is novel and nonobvious given in a manner that anyone of ordinary skill in the particular art could reproduce the invention. The disclosure represents the first official recording of the invention and can establish an irrefutable date and scope of the invention. In this forum, we will explain the nuts and bolts of invention disclosures (as well as some of the nuances), beginning with the responsibility of inventors to disclose inventions before they are made public and ending with the use of disclosures to create defensible patents.

Please RSVP – 389.3430 or Barwick.marsha@marshfieldclinic.org for lunch. Walk ins also welcome!


Join us for our Monthly Inventor Forums at noon in ML2A, including:

  •       Dec. 16 – Planting your Flag: The Various Strategies of Securing Intellectual Property.
  •       Jan. 27 – Global Impact: Delivering Innovations to Patients via Licenses or Start-Ups.
  •       Feb. 17 – Research Foundation: Bench to Discovery Opportunities.
  •       Mar. 31 – Finance & Innovation: Identifying Funding Sources and Innovating for the Bottom Line.
  •       Apr. 21 – Alliance Partnership: Creating Collaboration Across the Ecosystem.
  •       May 19 – Inventor Recognition: Perspectives from the Frontline.


The goal of innovation in healthcare is to improve how the Clinic cares for patients, and to make those tools widely available. Contact or visit Applied Sciences in Laird Center for Medical Research – ML8 or visit its website at https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/applied-sciences

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