Welcome to the population-based PMRP bio-bank, a large collection of biological samples and health information for use in biological research.

Genetic information from our 20,000 participants forms a database enabling scientists to study which genes cause disease, which genes predict reactions to drugs, and how environment and genes work together to cause disease.

The goal of this project is to learn how to apply genetic science to human health. This knowledge will help researchers develop new medications and diagnostic tests, and will enable physicians to prescribe medications that work best for a particular person.

The concept of tailoring healthcare to an individual’s precise genetic profile is known as “Personalized Medicine.”

Video: Personalized Medicine
This video introduces basic concepts of Personalized Medicine and the research project.

Click here to watch video about Personalized Medicine.



The Personalized Medicine Research Project receives financial support from Marshfield Clinic, the state of Wisconsin (through the Wisconsin Genomics Initiative), the University of Wisconsin – Institute for Clinical and Translational Research which is funded by a Clinical and Translational Science Award from the National Institutes of Health, and the eMERGE (electronic Medical Records and Genomics) network which is funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences.