Why was I selected?
You were randomly selected (like drawing numbers from a hat) because you live in or near Marshfield, Wisconsin.
Why should I join?
COVID-19 is a new disease. There are still many unanswered questions. With your help, we will learn more about COVID-19 in all ages and in rural communities.
Can I volunteer if I did not get an invitation letter?
At this time, we are only allowing people who were selected to participate. However, we may open the study to any volunteers in the future.
Can I volunteer if I don’t have COVID-19?
Yes, you do not have to have COVID-19 to participate in this study.
Is my participation voluntary?
Yes. You should agree to be in the study without feeling pressured. You can decide not to be in the study at any time and that decision will be respected.
Will it hurt when I collect the sample from my nose?
You will collect a sample from inside the front of your nose. We will teach you how to collect the sample. The process is painless and only takes a few minutes. The nose sample we are asking you to collect is different from the sample you would provide if you went to your doctor for a COVID-19 or influenza test. Your doctor will collect a sample from the back of your nose. We want you to collect a sample from inside the front of your nose.
What is the Health System doing to make sure I am safe when I come for my study visits
Marshfield Clinic Health System puts your safety, health and well-being at the forefront of every decision during the COVID-19 pandemic. To learn more about the steps we are taking to keep you safe.
Learn more about these steps >
Are there any potential benefits to participating?
If you provide a nose sample and it is tested for COVID-19 or influenza, you will get the results of that test. Information from this study will help efforts to prevent further spread of COVID-19 in rural areas.
Will I get paid to be in the study?
You will receive payment for your time to complete specific study activities.
Who is paying for this study?
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
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