Administration | Budget & Contracts | Multispecialty Program | Oncology Program 

Brian Zalewski Brian Zaleski, BS
1000 North Oak Avenue-GR3
Marshfield, WI 54449
Phone: 715-221-6711
Fax: 715-389-3319
Toll-free:1-800-782-8581, ext. 1-6711

Brian Gotz, BS
Sr. Pre Award Specialist
1000 North Oak Avenue-GR5
Marshfield, WI 54449
Phone: 715-221-7264
Fax: 715-387-9469
Toll-free:1-800-782-8581, ext. 1-7264

Contract and Finance area plays an integral function within the Clinical Research Center. Their primary focus is to negotiate and facilitate contracts and budgets associated with Pharmaceutical Sponsored studies for the Multispecialty and Oncology Departments.

Through a collaborative effort with research coordinators, nurses, physicians, health care facilities, regulatory areas, and industry sponsors the team strives to reach a viable agreement for the success of the research project. Based upon prudent decisions, the team focuses to produce results which translate to future benefits for the Marshfield Clinic, a continuing effort to have research projects conducted at the Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation, as well as health care benefits to patients throughout the communities Marshfield Clinic serves.